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You are here » Fundeals Forum » Change Avatar

Change Avatar

A profile Avatar is a small image that will be displayed with all your posts and private messages.
Follow this steps to upload or change a profile Avatar.

Step1: Click the UPLOAD/CHANGE AVATAR you will see after the last step.

Step2: Click the select box and choose an image file from your system file.

Step:3 Click UPLOAD button below. But if you don't see the the button follow step 4.

Step4: Scroll up the page, you will see this "» Fundeals Forum » Profile: *username*" click the second link eg. Profile: Cally. You'll see your new avatar in the next page. Congratulations! But if you don't see the avater repeat the steps again.

Step5: Scroll down and click the SUBMIT button. You are done.

You are here » Fundeals Forum » Change Avatar